[Update] – The first shot didn’t work – so I updated this post!
This is the first post of hopefully a series of post about getting OpenStack up and running on SmartOS. There is a blueprint for this effort. For this first post we will focus on setting up SmartOS and try to get some needed packages up and running.
I used the the following SmartOS iso image which will you – when booted – guide you through a small setup routine: smartos-20120210T043623Z.iso. After this you need to configure the pkg repositories as described in this tutorial. I encourage you all to have two discs attached – One for the zones – and one for the data. So since the setup routine created the zones pool I will first create a data pool on the second disc:
zpool create data c0t2d0 zfs create data/ec zfs set mountpoint=/ec data/ec zfs mount data/ec cd / && wget -O- -q http://svn.everycity.co.uk/public/solaris/misc/ \ pkg5-smartos-bootstrap-20111221.tar.gz | gtar -zxf-
One major dependency is python, gcc and some tools and libs – and we will also need git so we can get the source code of nova later on:
/ec/bin/pkg install pkg:/database/mysql-55/client@5.5.16-0.162 \ pkg:/library/python/mysqldb@1.2.3-0.162 /ec/bin/pkg install python26 git setuptools-26 gcc-44 libxslt gnu-binutils
Next step will be to create a workspace file-system using ZFS (Optional) – this will allow me to do rollbacks later on during the porting of OpenStack:
zfs create data/workspace cd /data/workspace/
Let’s clone nova and install pip:
export PATH=/ec/bin:$PATH easy_install pip git clone git://github.com/tmetsch/nova.git cd nova/tools export CFLAGS="-D_XPG6 -std=c99" pip install -r pip-requires
Now let’s see if we can get the test up and running:
cd .. ./run_tests.sh
This will do for the first steps – I’ll be going to get the dependencies of nova up and running next – Will than post the next blog post.
Percent done: 1%